Update Log

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  • Added more buttons to The Assemblage page!
  • Added a webring to the Home page!! The look of the section is a WIP.
  • Revised a few pages the teensiest of bits, namely Socials, Home, and The Assemblage ones.
  • 8/13/24

  • Added this update box! Wowie!
  • Redid my entire website code and did some very needed code cleanup!!
  • Added mobile support to the whole site!
  • Added an "Update Log" section
  • Actually added some stuff to every main navbar page, VS just having placeholder default Neocities pages!
  • Added dropdown menus to the navbar, leading to new pages (PC only feature)! Pages labelled "(WIP)" don't bring you anywhere for now.
  • Added website buttons to "The Assemblage" page!
  • Revised and added to both About sections
  • Added social links to the "Socials" page with short descriptions
  • Replaced "Projects" section with an "Art" section
  • Replaced "Commission Info" with a "Shrine" section
  • Added a custom scrollbar for chromium browsers!
  • Added a cool repeating background :D
  • Added a footer with a silly FNAF reference (which is also a double meaning; it's a line in the game and a fangame's title, and I love creating stuff!)
  • You've reached the end! Here, have a cookie :) small illustration of a chocolate chip cookie