Who am I?

Hiya!! :D Nice to meet you! My name is Psych, I am a young adult artist who's been posting their art online as early as 2015! I post mainly 2D digital artwork and animations, most of the time pertaining to either my own original characters or a topic I'm interested in! I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil, and have been animating since around 2015-2016.

I'm really passionate about storytelling!! It's hard for me to make a character and have it's design just simply exist without anything else, mainly because my brain then starts demanding for l o r e. That, or some type of personality or something, be it simple or complex. The OCs that my brain doesn't do this to, are banned to the confines of the journal that they were first drawn in, never seeing the light of day again. I've been into writing stories and creating art since I was young, and I don't see that passion dying off anytime soon!

Music has definitely been one of my main sources of inspiration for character creation. Sometimes I'll be listening to a song and just think, "Man, y'know what OC would fit this song's vibe?" and then I black out and wake up to some newly-scribbled creature in my journal.

For the most part, most of my work is shared on various social medias or other sites, however I hope to change that with this website!

In terms of interests and favorite stuff I have... ooo boy. I have far too many. One thing's for certain though, you would never guess what my favorite color is. (It's blue.)

Why "psychout10"?

Ooo, this is a fun story!! Okay well, firstly, why the site is called my username is simply because I couldn't think of a clever website name that I'd actually be attached to, so I just went with my usual name. Secondly, in all honesty most of my username wasn't my own original idea!

When I was a young kid, one of my friends had given my family their family's Xbox, as well as a few games. One of these games was Halo 2, which came preloaded with several save files. One save file name intrigued little me the most: "psych out". I didn't know what the term meant at the time, I simply just thought the word "psych" looked cool lol, and thus that was the game file I would play on most of the time!

Fast forward a few years later, and little me is trying to sign up to an online game. Unfortunately for me, "psychout" was taken. Though, I had heard from a YouTuber I was watching at the time about how they had gotten the numbers in their username from their birthday, and so I thought I'd do the same! I was born in October, and so I just tacked on a good 'ol "10" to my name, et voilà: my username I've used for over a decade was born!

Wanna learn more about the website itself? Head over to the About Site section!