Why did I make this website?

I made this site completely for fun! Neocities was my first proper introduction to personal websites, and it seemed like a lot of fun and a cool way to express yourself. So, I joined, and thus this website was created!

I am really glad I decided to join, tinkering around with this website has been a really fun new hobby of mine!! I didn't know a lick of HTML or CSS before making this, and it's been a lot of fun slowly learning the languages :D

Hmm, this place feels familiar...

That might be because my site is built around and heavily referenced from Goblin-heart's (AKA Sadgrl) layout builder! I may have changed the code around and edited it a bit, but it's still largely theirs.

It was thanks to their code that I was able to dip my toes into HTML/CSS without getting completely overwhelmed!! If you're looking to make a website but are stumped on where to begin, I couldn't recommend their layout builder enough. You can find it here!

What's a "Neocities" anyway?

Neocities is a web-hosting service, and is the place that this website is hosted on. It encourages creativity and having the internet be fun! I feel their official about section explains themselves best.

Wanna learn more about me? Head over to the About Me section!