
Welcome to the Socials section! Here is where I'll share to you some other sites you can find me on. Each outgoing link brings you to the associated profile page.

I use social media fairly casually; I just wanna inspire others and have fun. It's not unusual for me to be somewhat active at some point, only to show no signs of life for several months at the next because of this. Don't worry, this is simply normal behavior for the PsychOut10™ brand.


Neocities profile - My website's profile page, and the service my website is hosted on!! If you're on Neocities, feel free to comment something here if you'd like! I appreciate any feedback :D

YouTube - This is where I post my animations! Although primarily, I just watch stuff and scroll around. Out of everywhere, this is definitely my more active place (excluding this website, anyway). - Where I showcase my OCs! This place tends to be updated a bit more slowly, due to the power of good 'ol procrastination.

Artfight - One of my favorite art websites!! Artfight is an annual art game where artists are put into two separate teams, and "attack" each other by giving each other art of their OCs, and are rewarded with points. Each attack adds to their associated team's points pool, and the team with the most points at the end of the event wins! If you wanna 1v1 me when Artfight rolls around, then there's the link to my profile. >:)

Instagram (currently on indefinite hiatus) - I post basically all of my art on Instagram! You can view older art by looking at my old account, which is mentioned in my bio. (Keep in mind that I don't log onto my old account anymore, though!) My Instagram is currently on hiatus, meaning I won't be logging onto the website at this time.

DeviantArt - I only post art here that I'm especially proud of. I did have an older account, but it has been long since deactivated (hence why the "-" is in my username). I joined back because I thought it would be fun, and there's a lot of cool artists on there! Although, I really don't like the AI direction the site has been going. -v-" This place is a little more inactive compared to the other sites I'm on, but hey, it's there.